My commitment to inclusivity.

Whether helping celebrate a wedding, guiding a corporate event, or speaking on a stage, the representation, and celebration, of all walks of life ensures a richer experience for everyone. I support, and encourage, diversity, education, and empathy in my professional, as well as personal life. I ask my peers, colleagues, and clients to carry, and act upon, the conviction of equality. 

I am always thrilled to help educate and inspire, and am grateful for each opportunity. Before accepting speaking or moderating roles, I want to confirm that the event will reflect a diversity of perspectives; as a member of the event, and speaking communities, I assume a responsibility to advocate for diversity in all events that I partake in. Please note that this doesn’t reflect a lack of faith in anyone’s curatorial/booking process but rather my commitment to building a more equitable industry and community.  
*Inspired by artist Klea McKenna

- Artem Lomaz

In my commitment to equality in our industry, I encourage fellow event and speaking professionals to pledge yours as well: